
William has several coloring books, and one self published self help guide which are all self published through Amazon.

William Created Each of these books with Photos and AI CS6

Many of the Photos In ABC’s of Circus and Fire and Flow Arts (coloring books) were created from photos of performers local to the San Diego Area.

ABC’s of Circus Is not only a coloring book but also a book that has information about each circus performance, thus is a learning experience.

Color Your Universe is created with spray paint art created by William J Dorsett, redesigned to color.

X Chain Smokers Guide to Remove the Deadly Vice, was written with the intent to help others quit smoking. It is a story of William’s personal journey in Removing the Deadly Vice from his life, as well as tips on how to do it yourself.

Images of each book are below and each one is a clickable link.

ABC’s OF Circus Adult Coloring Book

Fire and Flow Arts Coloring Book
Color Your Universe Coloring Book
X-Chain Smokers Guide To Remove the Deadly Vice

This next book I designed the cover for. 

If These Legs Could Talk Matthew Robert Williams

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